My magazine is aimed at teenage girls aged 13 – 19 and ABC1s. It is an indie/ pop magazine and will contain information that relates to this genre.
Selling Points
It is colourful to look attractive for the reader
It has celebrities that the target audience can relate to
It contains articles that the target audience will find appealing
It is formal and organised so the audience will find it easier to read
I think that you should buy my magazine because it is easily readable and has nothing too heavy and difficult to get into. I also feel that my magazine has a lot of good information on what you can relate to, such as gig and tour dates and also information on bands and certain up and coming artists. I think that you should also buy my magazine because it is a good investment. For only £2.99 every two weeks, you can get free music downloads, gig dates, ticket competitions, information on the hottest bands and information on those you feel inspire you. My magazine contains lots of colours like red and yellow which can relate to the feminine happy side of the magazine and there are also lots of blacks and whites to add contrast between the happy and the dull parts of the magazine. It will contain images to do with the genre of the magazine and also of the younger generation that can therefore relate more to the target audience if they feel they are of the same age. I have also used the main image to be a man for my first issue to relate and use sex appeal towards the younger girl generation and so they are more likely to want to buy it if their crush is in there. I have also used lots of free downloads due to the fact that it is a music magazine and so it can therefore relate to the target audience because they are more likely to want to download music and also because the majority of those I surveyed listen and download music at least once a week. Therefore having free downloads can help advertise the magazine and make them more likely to buy it if they see something useful. The articles in my magazine are to do with bands and gigs and up and coming celebrities which can relate to the target audience because they can relate to the indie/ pop genre. I am also advertising festivals which also relates to the genre. I have also added a few pages about fashion which also helps advertise to the feminine target audience. I added fashion because if the teenage girls wanted to choose between a fashion and a music magazine, they are likely to pick the music magazine if they know it contains both.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Friday, 10 December 2010
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Summary of Internet Reasearch and Questionnaire
The age range i found was the most popular for my music magazine was 13 years to 18 years which tells us that the demographic for the magazine is teenagers and this is because they are more likely to read music magazines. I also found that the most popular gender was female and so this means that my music magazine needs to be aimed more at the female teenage demographic. I also found that those people who filled out the questionnaire were most likely to listen to music and hang with friends and so this is stereotypical of a music magaqzine for teenagers. I then found out that the most popular music genres for the questionnaire were Indie and R&B and so this means that i am going to make sure these are the main genres of my magazines. I then found out that the larger majority of the target audience bought and read magazines once a week and so i will make sure that i create a magazine to be sent out every week. The next thing i found out was that the target audience downloaded music once every other day or once a week and so i must make sure that i add a free download offer every week and a lot of the time too. I then found out that the demographic spent up to £5 on a magazine and music each month and so i must make sure that i keep the price of my magazine quite low so that more teenagers could afford it. I then found out that most of my demographic enjoyed reading gossip and music and so this healps me know what to add to my magazine. I then found out that my target audience would most like to see pink and purple which helps towards the femininity and so i will also add more blacks and whites as this was also a popular choice. I then foundo ut that the target audience would like to see images of indie and pop bands and so this helps towards my target audience and genre and therefore can link well.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
As media – Magazine coursework
Analysis of school magazine covers.
Neale Wade magazine
Route of the eye:
Logo; title; paragraph; advertisement
Primary optical area:
Neale wade logo in the top left corner
Terminal area:
Gold advertisement in the bottom right corner
Dead areas:
Empty spaces between information and along the sides where it is blank
NW logo; ‘Neale wade’; words from paragraph; ‘community college
“Neale Wade News” – red and bold
Basic – red, white and black
Masthead is basic and large. News is larger than Neale wade
There is a slogan underneath the masthead which is smaller than the masthead and the logo.
NW logo; drama people
Logo’s (small) from business
Advertisement for gold
Large and bold – yet smaller than masthead
Neale wade hosts drama production
Building schools for the future
Image connotations:
Drama connotes that school is social and productive and likes to get school involved in stuff.
Neale wade logo connotes recognition of the logo so that people can look over the magazine and recognise the logo and link it with the school.
Advert connotes business and sponsors.
Mode of Address:
Formal and aimed at parents
Uses terms such as “impressed by the commitment” and “staff and students.”
This magazine appeals to the parents of students as they can know how the school is progressing and how the students are doing and what they are doing both in and out of school.
Cromwell Magazine
Route of the eye: masthead; “Cromwell Connect”; text; dates to remember; image; logo
Primary optical area:
Masthead corner; “Cromwell”
Terminal area:
Cromwell logo
Dead areas:
Blank spaces along the side and around the images where nobody pays attention to.
All four hotspots are part of the text.
“Cromwell Connect” – black and bold, Large and sans serif.
Plain and colourless. Basic colours and black and white. Image of deckchair is colourful – it therefore stands out.
Masthead is bold and sans serif.
Text in the middle is smaller so you therefore need to buy it to pay attention. Black.
“Dates to remember” is larger so it stands out a bit mor4e as it is in the route of the eye so it needs to be readable from a distance. As is the logo. Slightly larger.
Deckchair in the route of the eye. This connotes that the school is a good place to go as it is fun and connotes the school as bright and fun.
The logo in the bottom right corner is in the route of the eye as it is easily recognisable and therefore connotes a school due to the word college.
It does not have one although in the text box it has a heading to say “message from the principle.”
The text in the middle talks about the school and how the students and teachers are doing and what sort of things will be in the magazine. Also what kind of activities and how the school is getting on.
Mode of Address:
The mode of address for this magazine is to the parents of the students and the possible future students and present students of those who attend Cromwell. It shows that it is to those as it is very formal but has some informal parts that reach out to the students.
Evolve magazine
Route of the eye: Masthead; image; slogan
Primary optical area:
Top left corner; start of masthead and start of slogan above the masthead.
Terminal area:
Bottom right corner; end of bottom slogan and corner of the large collage of images
Dead areas:
Sections around the masthead that are blank and the area around the large collage of images in the middle.
All four points of the hotspots are parts of the large collage of images in the middle.
“Evolve” – sans serif – black
Masthead is black and plain
There is a yellow background
There is a yellow background
Images form a lot of different colours
Writing around the top and bottom is black also. This is so the images in the middle stand out.
Masthead is sans serif
Top and bottom slogans are sans serif
Top and bottom slogans are sans serif
As is the writing under the masthead
Images in the collage in the middle are all to do with school. This connotes that the people are students and look like they are enjoying themselves. The objects are to do with subjects and therefore connotes education.
There are no stories on the cover
Mode of Address:
Looking at the cover, it looks very informal and messy which will attract the younger audience. If there was text then it would be less interesting. However there is little text and so it is more about images and therefore aims to younger people. Probably students.
In my magazine I made sure that my conventions related to my magazine. For example I made cover lines that are all related to news in the school. For example i used a cover line titled “The year 11s celebrate their results.” I also have images that relate to the school to give a better understanding. To do this I took a picture at the school year 11 prom to go with the prom cover line. I also took a picture of a student holding an envelope with their results, therefore this goes with the year 11s celebrating their results cover line. I also created a logo which relates to the masthead of Nightingale. I created this logo as it is easily recognisable. I also created a masthead with the name of the school on it. I chose Nightingale CC due to the fact that the person is an idol and is easy to remember. I also added news which I found was popular on other school magazines. In the news section I added headings such as year 7 open evening and the year 10 pictures from their trip to Spain. I used a very specific colour scheme which consisted of purple blue and black. I thought this was good because it did not draw too much attention to the background and so the audience could focus on the images and words rather that the background. The fonts I used were pretty basic for the cover lines which were sans serif. I used a sans serif masthead also as it was a large font and did not need any more attention.
For my preliminary task I used publisher as I feel that it was a good way to create a newsletter as it has different templates and colour schemes to go by so you can have choice. It also helped me as it showed me how to create a magazine due to the fact it is a newsletter and magazine template. I used a Fujifilm camera to take my two pictures on the results person and the school buildings. As for the picture from prom, I took this from my actual school site. I started to use wet paint to blog all of my work however this was not a successful enough site so then I moved on to blogger. To embed all of my work onto blogger I used the Scribd site.
What skills have I developed?
I feel that doing this task has made me able to work fast and efficiently. I also feel that I am able to use blogging sites and therefore am able to embed my work efficiently.
What skills do I need to develop?
I feel that I need to be able to edit images that I take to make them more to do with my type of magazine. Therefore I feel that using certain websites and editing techniques will help me.
Target Audiences
On the IPC media page i found that there was a link to a media pack which shows how the appeal to their target audience. This is a brief description of the writing.
“NME has become a truly unique multi-platform media proposition. Across the magazine,, NMETV, NME Radio and the brand's live events and awards, NME reaches over one million music fans every week. NME is the longest published and most respected music weekly in the world.
Every week it gives its readers the most exciting, most authoritative coverage of the very best in contemporary music, including award winning features, the latest releases, live reviews, the definitive guide to the best new bands in its Radar section, as well as a regular look back through the magazine's incredible 58 year heritage.”
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Institutions - NME
The magazine that i decided to research was NME due to the fact that this genre is very similar to the genre i chose for my magazine. I found that NME is owned by IPC media which is then ownded by Time Warner. I found this out by researching NME on wikipedia and then clicking on the company which owns NME down the side. It then took me to the official webside of IPC media and therefore i found out what kind of magazines and webistes this company produce and own. I then found out that this company was owned by another company called time warner. I then copied this from the offical website. -
IPC Media produces over 85 iconic media brands, with our print brands alone reaching almost two thirds of UK women and 44% of UK men – almost 27 million UK adults – while our online brands collectively reach 20 million users every month.
IPC's diverse print and digital portfolio offers something for everyone, with a focus on three core audiences: men, mass market women and upmarket women.
Our men's portfolio (IPC Inspire) comprises a wealth of leisure brands including Country Life, Horse & Hound, Rugby World and Decanter, as well as lifestyle brands including Nuts, Mousebreaker and NME.
Our mass market women's division (IPC Connect) comprises famous women's weeklies including Look, Now, Chat and Woman; TV entertainment brands including What's on TV, TVTimes and TV & Satellite Week and, online, the goodtoknow network.
Our upmarket women's division (IPC Southbank) comprises luxury fashion brands including Marie Claire and InStyle, lifestyle brands including woman&home and essentials and home interest brands including Ideal Home, Livingetc and housetohome.
IPC Media produces over 85 iconic media brands, with our print brands alone reaching almost two thirds of UK women and 44% of UK men – almost 27 million UK adults – while our online brands collectively reach 20 million users every month.
IPC's diverse print and digital portfolio offers something for everyone, with a focus on three core audiences: men, mass market women and upmarket women.
Our men's portfolio (IPC Inspire) comprises a wealth of leisure brands including Country Life, Horse & Hound, Rugby World and Decanter, as well as lifestyle brands including Nuts, Mousebreaker and NME.
Our mass market women's division (IPC Connect) comprises famous women's weeklies including Look, Now, Chat and Woman; TV entertainment brands including What's on TV, TVTimes and TV & Satellite Week and, online, the goodtoknow network.
Our upmarket women's division (IPC Southbank) comprises luxury fashion brands including Marie Claire and InStyle, lifestyle brands including woman&home and essentials and home interest brands including Ideal Home, Livingetc and housetohome.
Conventions of all three magazines
Top of the pops
• Bright colours
• Real life stories
• Celebrities
• Articles
• Embarrassing stories
• Pop singers
• Dark colours
• Celebrities
• Articles
• Real life stories
• Festivals
• Indie bands
• Dark colours
• Celebrities
• Articles
• Real life stories
• Festival
• Rock bands
• Bright colours
• Real life stories
• Celebrities
• Articles
• Embarrassing stories
• Pop singers
• Dark colours
• Celebrities
• Articles
• Real life stories
• Festivals
• Indie bands
• Dark colours
• Celebrities
• Articles
• Real life stories
• Festival
• Rock bands
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Analysis into similar magazine genres - Q
Cover - Q
Mode of address
The mode of address is very formal for this magazine as they state the full names of the artists and singers. They also have lots of text to do with very well known people from many years ago and so we can assume that the mode of address has adult audiences as they would be the only people who were around during their time.
Last pictures of John Lennon
Letters to the editor
Diary - the month in music
Bands gigs
Brawl between bands
Interview with Elvis Costello
Questions to different bands
CD advertisements
Interviews with rock and indie bands
The conventions for this magazine are to do with rock and indie bands. For example there is a cover line that relates to kings of Leon’s new album which links in well with the genre of the magazine as it relates to an indie band. There is an image of John Lennon in the middle which relates to the genre also as he was a member of a rock band. There is also an interview and information on the Glastonbury festival which also relates to the convention of rock and indie as the festival contains a lot of these bands. Another convention of this magazine genre is the fact that the colours are red and black which is very rock and masculine.
The layout for this front cover is very basic and organised to connote formal. The route of the eye for this front cover starts at the masthead which is just the letter Q. Then it goes across the top to see the cover line “John Lennon’s 70th birthday”. This is the first thing that the reader will see and is also the main cover line and so they have put this here so that they can relate the cover line to the image in the middle and then want to read more. Then it goes onto a cover line about the kings of Leon. This is there as it is in the readers eye line and if they look at this cover line and see that it is an indie band then they are going to want to read about there album and therefore want to buy the magazine. Then it shows an image of John Lennon. He is an idol and therefore he is easily recognisable and by seeing the image they can relate it to the magazine and understand that he is going to be in the magazine and therefore want to buy it to read on. It then shows some kind of information about collecting four covers to do with John Lennon and how they all link. They have put this after the image of John Lennon so that the reader can link these together and therefore want to buy the magazine and then the four to follow so that they have the collection. Then at the end it shows the price and the other bands and singers to be in the magazine. They have done this to link the bands with the magazine and therefore if the reader sees any of the bands they recognise and therefore like, they will want to buy it but have put it at the end as it is not as important as seeing the other cover lines. The four hot spots of this cover are all sections of the main image which is John Lennon. They have done this because they want to make all of the attention go onto this main image as the main story of this magazine is of John Lennon’s birthday and so they want the reader to understand that there is a lot of information and images about him and will therefore be encouraged to buy it. The primary optical area is the top left hand corner where the masthead is. They have put this there as it is the first thing the reader sees when they see the magazine and so to acknowledge this with the magazine means that they will want to read it.
The masthead is very basic yet large so it is the first bit of text to be seen. This connotes that the reader should see the name of the magazine to remember it and familiarise themselves with it. The cover line for the main story is a serif font to show that it is very formal and important which will make the reader want to read about it as they can therefore understand that it is going to be very sophisticated. The description underneath is also a serif font to make it look attractive enough that the reader will want to buy it to read the article. Whereas the rest of the cover lines and pull quotes are in a sans serif font so that it does not draw as much attention to it and so it is easy to read and therefore the reader will see it and want to buy it.
The colours for this cover are pretty basic and follow a strict indie colour scheme. It consists of whites, blacks and reds. These are all very indie colours. The masthead is in a white font with a red background to make the masthead stand out more as the general background is white also. Also, the cover lines are all red to stand out against the bland background and so this connotes that they are supposed to stand out and be read first to draw the reader in as they play a big part in the magazine. Whereas the description of John Lennon is in gold to symbolise power and that he is an important person and that people should buy this magazine to read this article as it has important information in it. The cover has a gold outline which symbolises also that the magazine has a lot of power and that can connote that a lot of famous bands are in this magazine. Therefore the text about John Lennon’s birthday is in white to stand out and contrast between the white and the gold. The text underneath the cover lines are all black to stand out against the white background but it does not stand out enough to be seen first. Whereas the main image in the middle is black to promote darkness and to show a contrast between the white background.
The main image for this magazine is an image of John Lennon. He is a black image as it can stand out against the white background and so he looks powerful. It is a mid shot to show him and his clothes rather than what he is doing or where he is. He is not smiling which shows dominance and that the magazine is not as bright and happy magazine to read but has depth and intellect. There is three small images in the bottom left corner which are all covers linked with John Lennon. They have put this on to show the collection and that this is a one off and that people should buy it as it is exclusive. Yet it is only seen after they have seen the main image to link the two together.
Contents Page
The layout for this contents page is organised yet full of information and images. The page numbers and titles are all in a vertical line which is very organised. Yet it is covered with images to do with certain aspects of the magazine. The route of the eye starts at the top with the masthead Q contents. This is clearly shown and is therefore the first thing the readers see so that they understand what the page is and if they see what is it in then it will make them want to buy the magazine. It then shows the four different covers of the John Lennon saga and will therefore remind them of what they saw on the cover and remind them of why they wanted to buy it. It then goes past images if various bands and this relates to what is in the magazine and the genre as they are all rock and indie bands and so the reader can familiarise themselves with them and then want to read on. It then shows an image of John Lennon to then familiarise themselves with why they wanted to buy the magazine and this was because the magazine was based around their idol of rock. It then shows more images taken from the actual magazine which means that it is less to read and that they can see for themselves what is in the actual magazine before buying it. The four hot spots for this magazine are all sections from images of John Lennon and so we can assume that the magazine contains a lot of information about this man and so it is perfect for someone who sees him as an idol and so it will make them want to buy it as he is dead and this is a one off opportunity. The dead areas are the sections around the outside which are plain and contain no information so that nothing vital can be missed by the reader because they do not look there.
The font of the masthead is a serif font, as it the page headings and the ‘Q Review’. This is so it stands out against all of the sans serif fonts and connotes that it is formal and sophisticated as it looks fancy and will make the older target audience want to buy it. Whereas the rest of the fonts such as the descriptions underneath the page headings are also serif yet they are smaller and more basic so it does not draw attention to them and so it is easier to read as it is smaller and more basic. Whereas the page numbers are larger and in a fancy style so that they can be seen against the images.
The colours for this contents page are the same as the cover. However this has more colour as it shows different images. However these images are all dark to go with the rock and indie genre of the magazine and so by not focusing on the image but the colour allows the reader to understand the theme already.
The main images for this is John Lennon and his band. The image on the left hand side is a very serious man on a chair and so this is a long shot. He is sitting on this chair with posture to show dominance. As he is alone we can assume that the information in the magazine is going to be based around him and his life rather than the band although they may mention some of it. Other images are from other bands. One of them is a violent mid shot of a man ripping a pigs head. This connotes violence and so we can associate this magazine with violence. The other images are of pages in the magazine. This connotes that if the reader does not want to read about what is in the magazine, they can look at the images and see that the information is going to be about rock and indie bands and therefore want to buy it.
Two page spread
The organisation for this magazine is very basic and neat. It consists of a basic image spreading across two pages and then a small amount of text in the bottom left hand corner. The route of the eye goes from the top corner with the masthead which consists of the cover masthead but with ‘New to’ added to the first which therefore allows the reader to familiarise themselves with the logo for next time. It then goes down through the image of the four people playing tug of war. This is there so that it is the first thing they see after the logo to they can link new to this band and assume it is about them and allow the reader to want to get to know them. It then shows the article which tells us that after seeing the band, the reader will want to know more about them than what they look like and so they will read the article and know more about them but only after becoming interested by the reader. The dead areas are all areas that have no information in them and no images so the reader cannot miss any information and so the dead areas are all of the red sections. Around the text and images. The hot spots are all parts of the image so we can assume that the article is based on attracting the band and then reading the article and so the image is there in the middle and spreading so that it can lure the reader in before learning more in depth.
The masthead, sub heading and the slogan are all in a large serif font. This connotes formal and sophistication so that we can assume that the audience for this magazine is adults and so they will not want informal language due to their age. Whereas the masthead is largest and therefore the first text to be seen, the slogan is next as it is the second down in font size. Whereas the title of the band is only seen after the masthead so it does not draw attention away from the masthead. The article itself is also in a serif font which connotes that it is easy to read and not as large but it still makes the article formal.
The colour scheme for this magazine is the same throughout the cover and contents page, which is red black and white. The background for this article is red and so the image is black to stand out against the background. The masthead and heading is white to show a contrast between the white and also allow it to stand out. Whereas the article also is white to stand out against the background. These colours are all dark and dull which represents the genre of indie/rock.
There is only one image in this article. It is a wide shot of four people playing tug of war. They are all dressed in black to stand out form the background yet stick with the genre of rock/indie. They are playing tug of war to connote anger and a love for winning and so they though this was the best way to represent themselves as they are new and need to make a lasting impression.
Mode of address
The mode of address is very formal for this magazine as they state the full names of the artists and singers. They also have lots of text to do with very well known people from many years ago and so we can assume that the mode of address has adult audiences as they would be the only people who were around during their time.
Last pictures of John Lennon
Letters to the editor
Diary - the month in music
Bands gigs
Brawl between bands
Interview with Elvis Costello
Questions to different bands
CD advertisements
Interviews with rock and indie bands
The conventions for this magazine are to do with rock and indie bands. For example there is a cover line that relates to kings of Leon’s new album which links in well with the genre of the magazine as it relates to an indie band. There is an image of John Lennon in the middle which relates to the genre also as he was a member of a rock band. There is also an interview and information on the Glastonbury festival which also relates to the convention of rock and indie as the festival contains a lot of these bands. Another convention of this magazine genre is the fact that the colours are red and black which is very rock and masculine.
The layout for this front cover is very basic and organised to connote formal. The route of the eye for this front cover starts at the masthead which is just the letter Q. Then it goes across the top to see the cover line “John Lennon’s 70th birthday”. This is the first thing that the reader will see and is also the main cover line and so they have put this here so that they can relate the cover line to the image in the middle and then want to read more. Then it goes onto a cover line about the kings of Leon. This is there as it is in the readers eye line and if they look at this cover line and see that it is an indie band then they are going to want to read about there album and therefore want to buy the magazine. Then it shows an image of John Lennon. He is an idol and therefore he is easily recognisable and by seeing the image they can relate it to the magazine and understand that he is going to be in the magazine and therefore want to buy it to read on. It then shows some kind of information about collecting four covers to do with John Lennon and how they all link. They have put this after the image of John Lennon so that the reader can link these together and therefore want to buy the magazine and then the four to follow so that they have the collection. Then at the end it shows the price and the other bands and singers to be in the magazine. They have done this to link the bands with the magazine and therefore if the reader sees any of the bands they recognise and therefore like, they will want to buy it but have put it at the end as it is not as important as seeing the other cover lines. The four hot spots of this cover are all sections of the main image which is John Lennon. They have done this because they want to make all of the attention go onto this main image as the main story of this magazine is of John Lennon’s birthday and so they want the reader to understand that there is a lot of information and images about him and will therefore be encouraged to buy it. The primary optical area is the top left hand corner where the masthead is. They have put this there as it is the first thing the reader sees when they see the magazine and so to acknowledge this with the magazine means that they will want to read it.
The masthead is very basic yet large so it is the first bit of text to be seen. This connotes that the reader should see the name of the magazine to remember it and familiarise themselves with it. The cover line for the main story is a serif font to show that it is very formal and important which will make the reader want to read about it as they can therefore understand that it is going to be very sophisticated. The description underneath is also a serif font to make it look attractive enough that the reader will want to buy it to read the article. Whereas the rest of the cover lines and pull quotes are in a sans serif font so that it does not draw as much attention to it and so it is easy to read and therefore the reader will see it and want to buy it.
The colours for this cover are pretty basic and follow a strict indie colour scheme. It consists of whites, blacks and reds. These are all very indie colours. The masthead is in a white font with a red background to make the masthead stand out more as the general background is white also. Also, the cover lines are all red to stand out against the bland background and so this connotes that they are supposed to stand out and be read first to draw the reader in as they play a big part in the magazine. Whereas the description of John Lennon is in gold to symbolise power and that he is an important person and that people should buy this magazine to read this article as it has important information in it. The cover has a gold outline which symbolises also that the magazine has a lot of power and that can connote that a lot of famous bands are in this magazine. Therefore the text about John Lennon’s birthday is in white to stand out and contrast between the white and the gold. The text underneath the cover lines are all black to stand out against the white background but it does not stand out enough to be seen first. Whereas the main image in the middle is black to promote darkness and to show a contrast between the white background.
The main image for this magazine is an image of John Lennon. He is a black image as it can stand out against the white background and so he looks powerful. It is a mid shot to show him and his clothes rather than what he is doing or where he is. He is not smiling which shows dominance and that the magazine is not as bright and happy magazine to read but has depth and intellect. There is three small images in the bottom left corner which are all covers linked with John Lennon. They have put this on to show the collection and that this is a one off and that people should buy it as it is exclusive. Yet it is only seen after they have seen the main image to link the two together.
Contents Page
The layout for this contents page is organised yet full of information and images. The page numbers and titles are all in a vertical line which is very organised. Yet it is covered with images to do with certain aspects of the magazine. The route of the eye starts at the top with the masthead Q contents. This is clearly shown and is therefore the first thing the readers see so that they understand what the page is and if they see what is it in then it will make them want to buy the magazine. It then shows the four different covers of the John Lennon saga and will therefore remind them of what they saw on the cover and remind them of why they wanted to buy it. It then goes past images if various bands and this relates to what is in the magazine and the genre as they are all rock and indie bands and so the reader can familiarise themselves with them and then want to read on. It then shows an image of John Lennon to then familiarise themselves with why they wanted to buy the magazine and this was because the magazine was based around their idol of rock. It then shows more images taken from the actual magazine which means that it is less to read and that they can see for themselves what is in the actual magazine before buying it. The four hot spots for this magazine are all sections from images of John Lennon and so we can assume that the magazine contains a lot of information about this man and so it is perfect for someone who sees him as an idol and so it will make them want to buy it as he is dead and this is a one off opportunity. The dead areas are the sections around the outside which are plain and contain no information so that nothing vital can be missed by the reader because they do not look there.
The font of the masthead is a serif font, as it the page headings and the ‘Q Review’. This is so it stands out against all of the sans serif fonts and connotes that it is formal and sophisticated as it looks fancy and will make the older target audience want to buy it. Whereas the rest of the fonts such as the descriptions underneath the page headings are also serif yet they are smaller and more basic so it does not draw attention to them and so it is easier to read as it is smaller and more basic. Whereas the page numbers are larger and in a fancy style so that they can be seen against the images.
The colours for this contents page are the same as the cover. However this has more colour as it shows different images. However these images are all dark to go with the rock and indie genre of the magazine and so by not focusing on the image but the colour allows the reader to understand the theme already.
The main images for this is John Lennon and his band. The image on the left hand side is a very serious man on a chair and so this is a long shot. He is sitting on this chair with posture to show dominance. As he is alone we can assume that the information in the magazine is going to be based around him and his life rather than the band although they may mention some of it. Other images are from other bands. One of them is a violent mid shot of a man ripping a pigs head. This connotes violence and so we can associate this magazine with violence. The other images are of pages in the magazine. This connotes that if the reader does not want to read about what is in the magazine, they can look at the images and see that the information is going to be about rock and indie bands and therefore want to buy it.
Two page spread
The organisation for this magazine is very basic and neat. It consists of a basic image spreading across two pages and then a small amount of text in the bottom left hand corner. The route of the eye goes from the top corner with the masthead which consists of the cover masthead but with ‘New to’ added to the first which therefore allows the reader to familiarise themselves with the logo for next time. It then goes down through the image of the four people playing tug of war. This is there so that it is the first thing they see after the logo to they can link new to this band and assume it is about them and allow the reader to want to get to know them. It then shows the article which tells us that after seeing the band, the reader will want to know more about them than what they look like and so they will read the article and know more about them but only after becoming interested by the reader. The dead areas are all areas that have no information in them and no images so the reader cannot miss any information and so the dead areas are all of the red sections. Around the text and images. The hot spots are all parts of the image so we can assume that the article is based on attracting the band and then reading the article and so the image is there in the middle and spreading so that it can lure the reader in before learning more in depth.
The masthead, sub heading and the slogan are all in a large serif font. This connotes formal and sophistication so that we can assume that the audience for this magazine is adults and so they will not want informal language due to their age. Whereas the masthead is largest and therefore the first text to be seen, the slogan is next as it is the second down in font size. Whereas the title of the band is only seen after the masthead so it does not draw attention away from the masthead. The article itself is also in a serif font which connotes that it is easy to read and not as large but it still makes the article formal.
The colour scheme for this magazine is the same throughout the cover and contents page, which is red black and white. The background for this article is red and so the image is black to stand out against the background. The masthead and heading is white to show a contrast between the white and also allow it to stand out. Whereas the article also is white to stand out against the background. These colours are all dark and dull which represents the genre of indie/rock.
There is only one image in this article. It is a wide shot of four people playing tug of war. They are all dressed in black to stand out form the background yet stick with the genre of rock/indie. They are playing tug of war to connote anger and a love for winning and so they though this was the best way to represent themselves as they are new and need to make a lasting impression.
Analysis into similar magazine genres - Top of the pops
Cover – Top of the pops
Mode of address
The mode of address for this magazine is quite informal as it is made for teenage girls and so they are not going to expect to read something they cannot understand and so I find that terms like ‘shocking report’ tells us that this magazine is very informal. Also, due to the fact that the cover refers to first name terms tells us that it is also informal and that the teenage girls are likely to know who these people are by first name terms. Therefore this also tells us that the reader of this magazine reads it and buys it on a regular basis and the fact that they buy this magazine because of who is in it.
· Stars before their famous
· Fashionable stars
· Embarrassing stories
· Stars caught off guard
· An interview with Diana Vickers
· An interview with Zac efron
· Posters of stars
· Make up and beauty tips
· Real life stories
· Puzzles and free gifts
In this cover I found that a main convention was a celebrity image in the middle to do with the genre of the magazine. For example they used an image of Cheryl Cole which tells us that this magazine is to do with pop and celebrities as she is a pop singer and is also seen as a style icon. I also means that she is going to be in the magazine and that other girls who read this magazine are going to recognise her. Another convention is the smaller images around the outside are also all pop singers and so this links in with the pop genre of the magazine and therefore they are used and seen as easily recognisable. It also has lots of fashion tips and images on there of clothes to relate to the magazine and tell us that a main convention is fashion. It also helps tells us that the magazine is for girls. The cover also has lots of bright colours which connotes that the magazine is girly and bright and therefore links in with pop which is also very cheery music. We can also expect that there is going to be lots of games and competitions in there which relates to the adolescence of the magazine as there is competitions with stars and singers being advertised on the front which tells us that young girls are going to do these competitions to meet their idols.
The route of the eye for the magazine goes across the top which shows the owner of the magazine - “BBC”. This tells us that the reader is allowed to go onto the BBC website to read more about certain things to do with this magazine. It then goes across to an image of Zac Efron who is a young actor. It has the heading “Bust-ups, cringes and crazy fans.” This tells us that the girls can read about him in the magazine and what they can read which will therefore make them interested. This is there because it is one of the first things to be seen in the magazine and that he is a crush to a lot of girls and if they knew he was in the magazine it would make them want to buy it. It then goes down and across over the image of Cheryl Cole in the middle. This is the main image as it is someone who everyone recognises and can relate to. It is also an image that every girl sees as an idol and therefore again, if they knew she was going to be in the magazine, they would want to buy it and so this image of her has been put in the middle to draw teenage girls in. It then goes across to an image of another celebrity singer. This time it is Selena Gomez who is more of an idol to the readers as she is their age and can therefore relate better. She is being seen next to a selection of clothes which tells us she is a fashionable person and that she is going to be in the magazine for her fashion rather than her singing so the readers can learn more about her. Therefore this tells us the magazine is for fashion also. The route of the eye then goes across the bottom to some cover lines. One of these cover lines is a real life story about a young age. This tells us that the magazine puts in stories about people who the audience can see as role models for what they have done or what they have gone through. It also adds seriousness to the magazine and adds real life to the magazine rather than all about music. Then it goes to the second cover line which is about another male celebrity singer who is new and that the reader can learn more about before anyone else. As it an exclusive interview, the reader will be drawn in by that as they will want to buy it to know more about him before others can. The main hot spots of the cover are: Cheryl Coles face; the fashion part; the headline “You can be Cheryl”. Three out of four of the hot spots are of Cheryl Cole which tells us that the magazine contains a lot of information about Cheryl Cole. The dead areas of the cover are the areas where there is not information or images. This means that the dead areas are all the sections that you can see purple which are the parts around the main image which can therefore keep all of the information away form the main focus of the main image. The cover for this magazine is quite cluttered as it contains a lot of images scattered around. It also has a lot of varying in fonts and font sizes which means that there is a lot of attention dragging the reader towards it. There is also a lot of bright advertisements scattered around the page. They organised it this way so that it looked eye catching to the reader as it is towards a young audience and they are likely to look for the magazine that looks the most attractive rather than sophisticated.
The font of the masthead is sans serif but still attractive. It is a complex style that is still easy to read. It is made to look attractive to connote that the magazine is fun and that it is to be read by a younger audience. The cover lines are all sans serif. This is to draw attention away from these as they are pretty basic and simple and draw all of the attention to the images and masthead. Also, sans serif is easy to read and so when the reader has bought then magazine, they can then read the cover lines in depth rather than a scan before buying it. The comments below and around the cover lines which are in a style as if someone has written them is to be seen as fun. These are in serif to make it look fancy and as if someone has written it themselves. The masthead is the largest font to connote that it should be the first bit of text to be seen at a first glance and is therefore the reason why it is attractive. Whereas the next biggest text is the cover line for the main image. This is so after looking at them image, you can see the text and then be interested in buying it. Whereas the names of the singers and celebrities are the next font size down so that the reader can see the names and familiarise themselves with them and then relate it to the magazine and then want to buy it. Then the next font size down is the other more minor cover lines. These are this size so they are not too attractive and seen when looking at it from a first glance. They do this so the reader can focus on the masthead and attractive images so they are convinced to buy it through the images. Then the smallest font is the small print at the bottom. They make this almost non readable so that it is not seen when looking at it from a first glance.
The background colour for this cover is purple. This is a very bright and feminine colour which tells us that it is a feminine magazine and whatever is in the contents of the magazine is going to happy and feminine. The masthead is pink against a white outline. This is so the masthead does not blend in too much with the background. Therefore they have added white to make the pink stand out. Pink is a very feminine colour which also tells us that whatever is in the magazine is going to be feminine. The main cover line is white against a pink background. This is so the writing can stand out against the bold background colour. However the name Cheryl is in black to add a contrast between the first few words and then the name which tells us that as it is black, it is going to be in the magazine and it is going to be good as it already stands out against anything else. All of the minor cover lines around the outside are in black which connotes that it is not something that should be seen and read at a first glance and therefore by adding black, It takes the spotlight away from them and allows the attention to be on other information and images. The colours of the clothes are quite bright to again add happiness and make the reader think that the contents of the magazine is going to be happy. Whereas the images of the celebrities around the outside are quite bright and they all have glowing skin to make them look happy and therefore there white clothes stand out and show a contrast between the purple background and the white clothes.
The main image in the middle is of a famous celebrity. This connotes that the reader can relate to this person and therefore familiarise themselves with her and see her as a singing sensation, a style icon and an all around nice person. Therefore by not just adding someone who sings but who is fashionable and happy, the reader is more likely to buy it. She is wearing a white dress which makes her stand out against the colourful purple background. She is smiling which tells us that she has had a professional photo done with the magazine and so we can assume that she knows about the magazine and has maybe done an interview and so the reader will want to read it to know about her more. This is a mid shot with no mise en scene. This connotes that we need to focus on her clothes and her looks rather than what is around her. Whereas Justin Bieber, Diana Vickers, Joe Macelldery and Zac Efron are all close ups. This tells us that we are focusing on their facial features which is happy rather than there clothes and what is going on around them. It also connotes that they are talking and so they may be doing an interview rather than seeing images of them performing ect. Another image is slightly smaller. This is a mid shot of another teenage singer, She has images of clothes next to her and so this connotes that she is fashionable and that we can assume she is in there promoting clothes rather than herself as a singer/celebrity. This Is a mid shot to connote what she is wearing rather than her facial expression or anything going on around her. Another image is of a band called ‘The Wanted’. The mise en scene of this image is some cell bars. Therefore this connotes that they are going to be talking about themselves and maybe what they have done that they regret which therefore adds scandal and excitement to the magazine and make the reader want to buy it.
This Magazine does not have a contents page.
Two Page Spread - Top of the pops
The layout of this two page spread is very organised. It does not have a lot of information and therefore focuses on the main image which takes up the majority of the right hand side of the page. It also does not have any advertisements or smaller images and so the layout is very organised in the way that each line of the article is in a vertical line. Also, the stand first is very neat and in a straight line below the pull quote. The route of the eye starts off at the top where it goes across the pull quote which says “You’re growing - Embrace it!” This connotes that the article is about Diana Vickers becoming a woman and that she is going to talk about things she was worried about and how she grew up in terms of age and appearance. This means that the magazine has made sure that they have created an article to relate to the reading target audience of teenage girls. Therefore by talking about growing up, it is kind of like a manual to help teenage girls grow up and make them feel like they can relate to the celebrity because she is going through the same thing as any normal girl. The next thing that is seen is the head and face of the celebrity in which the article is about - in this case Diana Vickers. They have made this a very large image so that it is very noticeable when reading and so by making it large it is easily seen against the background and text. It then goes across the middle and shows the article text which is larger than the rest. This says, “I had terrible acne.” They have shown this pull quote as it is a section that this celebrity found as a weakness and this is good because it shows that she is just like any normal teenager with acne and so this makes the audience relate better and make them want to buy it. It then goes across the bottom over a section of the article. It then goes across over a link for an advice web page for teenage girls. They have shown this as it allows girls to write there own opinion of the article and allows them to express some issues they may have and therefore allows the audience to have a voice. They have put this here as it allows the reader to read the article and then see this advert to then make a judgement on the article. It then shows a small amount of text at the end which names a website about Diana Vickers, her new single and then the radio chart show times. They have put this at the end as the reader is feeling quite excited about Diana Vickers and if they want to download her new single they can do so and so it is advertising her single and then they have added the radio advert to connote that it is related to the article and so the reader will want to listen. The hot spots of this article are: In the main pull quote. This is so the reader will look at this first when glancing at it and see that it is something a celebrity has said and therefore can make assumptions in what is going to be in the article. The next hot spot is her face. This is so the reader can look at her face and familiarise themselves with it and then relate it to the article and therefore want to read more about her. The next hot spot is a section of the article which talks about her having a period and how it is nothing to be nervous about. This is a hot spot as the reader can relate themselves to it and then think that the article is about giving advice about growing up and so they will want to read it to learn more advice. The last hot spot is another part of her body which tells is that she plays a big part in this article and if they see her before the article and like her and her music, they will want to read about what she has to say. The dead areas of this two page spread is the empty space around the pull quote and around the outside where there is no information as it is somewhere where the reader is not likely to look and so they have not put anything vital there so the reader does not miss anything.
The large pull quote at the top is in a sans serif large font to make it stand out and be the first part of text that the reader will see. This font is sans serif so that it is easily readable when the reader is quickly scanning over the page and so they want to be able to see it clearly so they can understand it. However, it is in a fancy style as if it was hand written to connote that it is supposed to look like she has written it herself to therefore connote that the article is her opinions and her views rather than information about her. This is similar to the pull quotes that are smaller at the top of each article column. They have again done this so it looks like she has written it to connote it is her voice being heard and not what the magazine has to say. It is, however, smaller so that it draws attention away from it and so it is not the main attraction of the page but is still seen to show what may be in the article. The stand first in the middle of the page is in a sans serif font which makes it easy to read and therefore does not stand out against the article but is still seen when being read. The small text in the article itself is a serif font for the answers which tells us that it is very formal and easy to read. Whereas the questions are in a sans serif font to contrast between what is the questions and what is the answers and this also makes it easy to read. In the corner of the page at the top right is text that says ‘Star advice’. This is in the corner so that it is not seen very well and therefore is in a sans serif font to make it easy to read and less formal. Whereas the text in the bottom right hand corner is sans serif also, and a lot smaller to show that is small print and that it is not seen until the article has been read and so they can read more into it.
The background of this article is grey which is a very bland and boring colour which connotes that it is not supposed to be seen very well and it is not going to draw attention to it and therefore allows the reader to focus more on the actual article rather than the background. Therefore it allows the colourful article and images to stand out against the bland background. The large pull quote at the top is black which makes it stand out as the article is colourful and therefore makes it seen against the light background and therefore adds contrast. The image of Diana Vickers on the far right is very bright with light whites and cream colours to make her stand out against the grey background as she looks very natural and therefore is seen better. The stand first in the middle is a white font over a pink background. The pink background is added to make the white font stand out against the pink rather than the grey. Therefore it is easily seen. Whereas the actual article itself is in white vertical boxes to make the black and orange text stand out against the white to show a contrast rather than blending in against a grey background. The Diana flower, the star advice in the corner and the advertisements in the bottom left corner is in pink and orange colours to stand out against the white and cream of the image and so this is seen better but is still small so it is not seem as much as the image of Diana Vickers. In the smaller pull quotes, they have highlighted some of the letters in pink. This connotes feminism as they are all words to do with women and growing such as boobs, periods and shave. They have made the colour scheme of this article pink as it is a very feminist colour and so the reader can assume the article is for or about girls.
The main image of this article is the image of Diana Vickers. They have made this image cover a whole page as they want it to stand out. They have made this image a mid shot as you can see from her top up however the top is covered by the text so the main focus is her face. This connotes that the reader can familiarise themselves with the face and therefore assume the article is about her. There are small images of faces to add a slight amount of childish fun to the article to make it relate to the article better.
Mode of address
The mode of address for this magazine is quite informal as it is made for teenage girls and so they are not going to expect to read something they cannot understand and so I find that terms like ‘shocking report’ tells us that this magazine is very informal. Also, due to the fact that the cover refers to first name terms tells us that it is also informal and that the teenage girls are likely to know who these people are by first name terms. Therefore this also tells us that the reader of this magazine reads it and buys it on a regular basis and the fact that they buy this magazine because of who is in it.
· Stars before their famous
· Fashionable stars
· Embarrassing stories
· Stars caught off guard
· An interview with Diana Vickers
· An interview with Zac efron
· Posters of stars
· Make up and beauty tips
· Real life stories
· Puzzles and free gifts
In this cover I found that a main convention was a celebrity image in the middle to do with the genre of the magazine. For example they used an image of Cheryl Cole which tells us that this magazine is to do with pop and celebrities as she is a pop singer and is also seen as a style icon. I also means that she is going to be in the magazine and that other girls who read this magazine are going to recognise her. Another convention is the smaller images around the outside are also all pop singers and so this links in with the pop genre of the magazine and therefore they are used and seen as easily recognisable. It also has lots of fashion tips and images on there of clothes to relate to the magazine and tell us that a main convention is fashion. It also helps tells us that the magazine is for girls. The cover also has lots of bright colours which connotes that the magazine is girly and bright and therefore links in with pop which is also very cheery music. We can also expect that there is going to be lots of games and competitions in there which relates to the adolescence of the magazine as there is competitions with stars and singers being advertised on the front which tells us that young girls are going to do these competitions to meet their idols.
The route of the eye for the magazine goes across the top which shows the owner of the magazine - “BBC”. This tells us that the reader is allowed to go onto the BBC website to read more about certain things to do with this magazine. It then goes across to an image of Zac Efron who is a young actor. It has the heading “Bust-ups, cringes and crazy fans.” This tells us that the girls can read about him in the magazine and what they can read which will therefore make them interested. This is there because it is one of the first things to be seen in the magazine and that he is a crush to a lot of girls and if they knew he was in the magazine it would make them want to buy it. It then goes down and across over the image of Cheryl Cole in the middle. This is the main image as it is someone who everyone recognises and can relate to. It is also an image that every girl sees as an idol and therefore again, if they knew she was going to be in the magazine, they would want to buy it and so this image of her has been put in the middle to draw teenage girls in. It then goes across to an image of another celebrity singer. This time it is Selena Gomez who is more of an idol to the readers as she is their age and can therefore relate better. She is being seen next to a selection of clothes which tells us she is a fashionable person and that she is going to be in the magazine for her fashion rather than her singing so the readers can learn more about her. Therefore this tells us the magazine is for fashion also. The route of the eye then goes across the bottom to some cover lines. One of these cover lines is a real life story about a young age. This tells us that the magazine puts in stories about people who the audience can see as role models for what they have done or what they have gone through. It also adds seriousness to the magazine and adds real life to the magazine rather than all about music. Then it goes to the second cover line which is about another male celebrity singer who is new and that the reader can learn more about before anyone else. As it an exclusive interview, the reader will be drawn in by that as they will want to buy it to know more about him before others can. The main hot spots of the cover are: Cheryl Coles face; the fashion part; the headline “You can be Cheryl”. Three out of four of the hot spots are of Cheryl Cole which tells us that the magazine contains a lot of information about Cheryl Cole. The dead areas of the cover are the areas where there is not information or images. This means that the dead areas are all the sections that you can see purple which are the parts around the main image which can therefore keep all of the information away form the main focus of the main image. The cover for this magazine is quite cluttered as it contains a lot of images scattered around. It also has a lot of varying in fonts and font sizes which means that there is a lot of attention dragging the reader towards it. There is also a lot of bright advertisements scattered around the page. They organised it this way so that it looked eye catching to the reader as it is towards a young audience and they are likely to look for the magazine that looks the most attractive rather than sophisticated.
The font of the masthead is sans serif but still attractive. It is a complex style that is still easy to read. It is made to look attractive to connote that the magazine is fun and that it is to be read by a younger audience. The cover lines are all sans serif. This is to draw attention away from these as they are pretty basic and simple and draw all of the attention to the images and masthead. Also, sans serif is easy to read and so when the reader has bought then magazine, they can then read the cover lines in depth rather than a scan before buying it. The comments below and around the cover lines which are in a style as if someone has written them is to be seen as fun. These are in serif to make it look fancy and as if someone has written it themselves. The masthead is the largest font to connote that it should be the first bit of text to be seen at a first glance and is therefore the reason why it is attractive. Whereas the next biggest text is the cover line for the main image. This is so after looking at them image, you can see the text and then be interested in buying it. Whereas the names of the singers and celebrities are the next font size down so that the reader can see the names and familiarise themselves with them and then relate it to the magazine and then want to buy it. Then the next font size down is the other more minor cover lines. These are this size so they are not too attractive and seen when looking at it from a first glance. They do this so the reader can focus on the masthead and attractive images so they are convinced to buy it through the images. Then the smallest font is the small print at the bottom. They make this almost non readable so that it is not seen when looking at it from a first glance.
The background colour for this cover is purple. This is a very bright and feminine colour which tells us that it is a feminine magazine and whatever is in the contents of the magazine is going to happy and feminine. The masthead is pink against a white outline. This is so the masthead does not blend in too much with the background. Therefore they have added white to make the pink stand out. Pink is a very feminine colour which also tells us that whatever is in the magazine is going to be feminine. The main cover line is white against a pink background. This is so the writing can stand out against the bold background colour. However the name Cheryl is in black to add a contrast between the first few words and then the name which tells us that as it is black, it is going to be in the magazine and it is going to be good as it already stands out against anything else. All of the minor cover lines around the outside are in black which connotes that it is not something that should be seen and read at a first glance and therefore by adding black, It takes the spotlight away from them and allows the attention to be on other information and images. The colours of the clothes are quite bright to again add happiness and make the reader think that the contents of the magazine is going to be happy. Whereas the images of the celebrities around the outside are quite bright and they all have glowing skin to make them look happy and therefore there white clothes stand out and show a contrast between the purple background and the white clothes.
The main image in the middle is of a famous celebrity. This connotes that the reader can relate to this person and therefore familiarise themselves with her and see her as a singing sensation, a style icon and an all around nice person. Therefore by not just adding someone who sings but who is fashionable and happy, the reader is more likely to buy it. She is wearing a white dress which makes her stand out against the colourful purple background. She is smiling which tells us that she has had a professional photo done with the magazine and so we can assume that she knows about the magazine and has maybe done an interview and so the reader will want to read it to know about her more. This is a mid shot with no mise en scene. This connotes that we need to focus on her clothes and her looks rather than what is around her. Whereas Justin Bieber, Diana Vickers, Joe Macelldery and Zac Efron are all close ups. This tells us that we are focusing on their facial features which is happy rather than there clothes and what is going on around them. It also connotes that they are talking and so they may be doing an interview rather than seeing images of them performing ect. Another image is slightly smaller. This is a mid shot of another teenage singer, She has images of clothes next to her and so this connotes that she is fashionable and that we can assume she is in there promoting clothes rather than herself as a singer/celebrity. This Is a mid shot to connote what she is wearing rather than her facial expression or anything going on around her. Another image is of a band called ‘The Wanted’. The mise en scene of this image is some cell bars. Therefore this connotes that they are going to be talking about themselves and maybe what they have done that they regret which therefore adds scandal and excitement to the magazine and make the reader want to buy it.
This Magazine does not have a contents page.
Two Page Spread - Top of the pops
The layout of this two page spread is very organised. It does not have a lot of information and therefore focuses on the main image which takes up the majority of the right hand side of the page. It also does not have any advertisements or smaller images and so the layout is very organised in the way that each line of the article is in a vertical line. Also, the stand first is very neat and in a straight line below the pull quote. The route of the eye starts off at the top where it goes across the pull quote which says “You’re growing - Embrace it!” This connotes that the article is about Diana Vickers becoming a woman and that she is going to talk about things she was worried about and how she grew up in terms of age and appearance. This means that the magazine has made sure that they have created an article to relate to the reading target audience of teenage girls. Therefore by talking about growing up, it is kind of like a manual to help teenage girls grow up and make them feel like they can relate to the celebrity because she is going through the same thing as any normal girl. The next thing that is seen is the head and face of the celebrity in which the article is about - in this case Diana Vickers. They have made this a very large image so that it is very noticeable when reading and so by making it large it is easily seen against the background and text. It then goes across the middle and shows the article text which is larger than the rest. This says, “I had terrible acne.” They have shown this pull quote as it is a section that this celebrity found as a weakness and this is good because it shows that she is just like any normal teenager with acne and so this makes the audience relate better and make them want to buy it. It then goes across the bottom over a section of the article. It then goes across over a link for an advice web page for teenage girls. They have shown this as it allows girls to write there own opinion of the article and allows them to express some issues they may have and therefore allows the audience to have a voice. They have put this here as it allows the reader to read the article and then see this advert to then make a judgement on the article. It then shows a small amount of text at the end which names a website about Diana Vickers, her new single and then the radio chart show times. They have put this at the end as the reader is feeling quite excited about Diana Vickers and if they want to download her new single they can do so and so it is advertising her single and then they have added the radio advert to connote that it is related to the article and so the reader will want to listen. The hot spots of this article are: In the main pull quote. This is so the reader will look at this first when glancing at it and see that it is something a celebrity has said and therefore can make assumptions in what is going to be in the article. The next hot spot is her face. This is so the reader can look at her face and familiarise themselves with it and then relate it to the article and therefore want to read more about her. The next hot spot is a section of the article which talks about her having a period and how it is nothing to be nervous about. This is a hot spot as the reader can relate themselves to it and then think that the article is about giving advice about growing up and so they will want to read it to learn more advice. The last hot spot is another part of her body which tells is that she plays a big part in this article and if they see her before the article and like her and her music, they will want to read about what she has to say. The dead areas of this two page spread is the empty space around the pull quote and around the outside where there is no information as it is somewhere where the reader is not likely to look and so they have not put anything vital there so the reader does not miss anything.
The large pull quote at the top is in a sans serif large font to make it stand out and be the first part of text that the reader will see. This font is sans serif so that it is easily readable when the reader is quickly scanning over the page and so they want to be able to see it clearly so they can understand it. However, it is in a fancy style as if it was hand written to connote that it is supposed to look like she has written it herself to therefore connote that the article is her opinions and her views rather than information about her. This is similar to the pull quotes that are smaller at the top of each article column. They have again done this so it looks like she has written it to connote it is her voice being heard and not what the magazine has to say. It is, however, smaller so that it draws attention away from it and so it is not the main attraction of the page but is still seen to show what may be in the article. The stand first in the middle of the page is in a sans serif font which makes it easy to read and therefore does not stand out against the article but is still seen when being read. The small text in the article itself is a serif font for the answers which tells us that it is very formal and easy to read. Whereas the questions are in a sans serif font to contrast between what is the questions and what is the answers and this also makes it easy to read. In the corner of the page at the top right is text that says ‘Star advice’. This is in the corner so that it is not seen very well and therefore is in a sans serif font to make it easy to read and less formal. Whereas the text in the bottom right hand corner is sans serif also, and a lot smaller to show that is small print and that it is not seen until the article has been read and so they can read more into it.
The background of this article is grey which is a very bland and boring colour which connotes that it is not supposed to be seen very well and it is not going to draw attention to it and therefore allows the reader to focus more on the actual article rather than the background. Therefore it allows the colourful article and images to stand out against the bland background. The large pull quote at the top is black which makes it stand out as the article is colourful and therefore makes it seen against the light background and therefore adds contrast. The image of Diana Vickers on the far right is very bright with light whites and cream colours to make her stand out against the grey background as she looks very natural and therefore is seen better. The stand first in the middle is a white font over a pink background. The pink background is added to make the white font stand out against the pink rather than the grey. Therefore it is easily seen. Whereas the actual article itself is in white vertical boxes to make the black and orange text stand out against the white to show a contrast rather than blending in against a grey background. The Diana flower, the star advice in the corner and the advertisements in the bottom left corner is in pink and orange colours to stand out against the white and cream of the image and so this is seen better but is still small so it is not seem as much as the image of Diana Vickers. In the smaller pull quotes, they have highlighted some of the letters in pink. This connotes feminism as they are all words to do with women and growing such as boobs, periods and shave. They have made the colour scheme of this article pink as it is a very feminist colour and so the reader can assume the article is for or about girls.
The main image of this article is the image of Diana Vickers. They have made this image cover a whole page as they want it to stand out. They have made this image a mid shot as you can see from her top up however the top is covered by the text so the main focus is her face. This connotes that the reader can familiarise themselves with the face and therefore assume the article is about her. There are small images of faces to add a slight amount of childish fun to the article to make it relate to the article better.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Analysis into similar magazines - NME
NME – magazine cover
The route of the eye goes through the title, then the lead singer and then covers lines about different Indie bands. It goes thought the title (NME) to show what the magazine is. After looking at the title, it then goes on to the lead singer of kings of Leon to connote An Indie band with the title NME to show that the magazine is an Indie magazine. It then shows cover lines of different Indie bands which then puts this with the band member and then with the title to relate them all to prove that it is an Indie magazine. To dead areas are those around the outside of the route of the eye which do not draw the audience in. Therefore they do not put much information in those areas which is why it is black apart form only a little bit of writing. The primary optical area of the cover is in the top left corner. In this magazine the Masthead is in the top left corner which means they put this in the top left corner to be the main attraction and the first thing that the audience will see. The terminal area of the magazine is in the bottom right corner which means that this is the last thing that the audience will see and so they put the price and the barcode in the corner. They did this because after the actual images and text have drawn the reader in, they will look at the price and then think about buying it. The four hotspots are all parts of the image in the middle and so this means that it draws the reader in by looking at the middle image. The cover of the magazine is very ordered as it has a main image in the middle and has all the writing around the outside and therefore it is very ordered in the way of how it is set out.
Use of images
The image on the cover is the lead singer of the band kings of Leon. This is related to the name of the magazine and the genre of the magazine because the magazine is Indie and Kings of Leon Is a very popular Indie band. And so by looking at the cover and seeing a lead singer of a very popular Indie band would make the reader want to buy the magazine to see what the magazine is saying about this band and that if this band is in there, other Indie bands will be too and so this will encourage the reader to buy it. The celebrity is holding a guitar which shows that he is singing or playing at some kind of concert ect and so the reader may want to buy the magazine to see what kind of tours and gigs ect they are performing at and maybe relate it to the article saying other dates for gigs and so they may want to buy it to get information about tickets to buy. The shot of this image is a mid shot to not pay close attention to what he looks like but more to what he is doing and what he is doing is performing with his guitar. And so this connotes that he is performing somewhere which may want the reader to read on to find out more about the image.
The font of the masthead is sans serif which allows the reader not to be drawn in by the font but more by the large image. Therefore, the masthead is pretty basis with the font but it is bold and large which allows it to be seen over the other fonts. The cover line for the image is slightly smaller than the masthead however it is still pretty large to make sure it is one of the first things seen that draws them in. This is sans serif too. They use this as it is more attractive and can appeal to a younger target audience. Whereas the smaller cover lines at the top part of the page is used in a smaller serif font to not draw to much attention but to make a difference between the larger sans serif fonts to show a contrast between the sans serif and the serif fonts. Whereas below the main cover line they use sans serif fonts for the cover lines to not draw too much attention to is and it is the same size as the smaller cover lines above the main cover line. It shows a contrast between the different cover lines as the ones at the top are band names which are more formal whereas at the bottom are articles which are more informal with the bands.
The colours for the different types of fonts are a variation between white and pink. The background colour is black so that the font stands out more and so this connotes that the audience should focus on the text rather than the image. The white font contrasts with the background to make it stand out more, whereas the pink text is used to highlight the main words in the writing. This connotes that when the reader glances at the magazine they are not going to want to read everything so by highlighting the key words in a bright colour makes them attractive and gets the points of the cover lines across without reading into it a lot. All of the cover lines and the masthead are white and the odd words are pink. The background is black and the main image in the middle is rather bright so you can tell it is daytime or that there is a light on the singer. Therefore this makes him stand out from the background so when a reader looks at the magazine they can see the image and want to read about them. Therefore it is more bold in light colours with light clothes i.e. a denim jacket and white shirt. The only bright part around the outside is the logo for “t in the park”. This connotes that the magazine is going to be about festivals and offering tickets and information about the logo.
Mode of address and language
The mode of address for this magazine is informal whereas it states band members by their first names – “Carl and Pete”. And also they abbreviate some band names – “Biffy’s”. This allows us to think that the readers of this magazine are regulars and would know the bands as they are not new to the magazine.
· Kings of Leon talk about their career
· Tour dates
· New bands slating different genre artists
· The libertines return – information
· New CD releases
· Mumford and sons backstage gossip
· NME top 20 of the week
· Phone advert
· Interview with two songwriters
· Interview with Drake
· Latitude festival dates and places
· Gig guide
· Puzzles
It contains a lot of information on indie festivals and indie bands going on tour or performing gigs ECT. There is also a lot of informal language which connotes that the indie music is not formal. It also gives a lot of information about upcoming CDs and festival’s which connotes it is not only a music magazine but the information is about Indie festival’s and CDs. It also has very informal interviews with indie bands or their lead singers and they give info5rmation about their band and gigs they do.
Contents page – NME
The layout for this contents page is cluttered with lots of information and images however these are neat and therefore it is tidy in other ways of that it is not all over the place. The route of the eye for this contents page goes through the masthead saying ‘Inside this week’, then down through images of Mumford and sons and the cover line underneath with the page number of their article underneath. Then across the bottom shows images of other bands and their page numbers and titles of the article. This is laid out like this to show what kind of articles the reader is going to expect in the magazine without having to read too far into it. It also means that if the reader is wondering whether to buy the magazine, they can read what the main articles are by looking at the contents page before buying it. The principle of thirds shows that around the outside is white so that it is not attractive and so the reader can focus on the images and writing in the middle. It also shows that the hotspots of the contents page are all images of the basic structure of the images in the middle which shows that all the attention is going to the large image of the band in the middle.
The font of the masthead on this contents page is in a serif font which therefore shows it as very formal and it is also different to the rest of the fonts and text in the page. Therefore it stands out not only because it is in serif font but it is the largest font on the page and also it is in bold to make it more attractive. The main article pull quote is in a serif font which allows it to look more attractive and to show that it is the main quote of the page and therefore the one to read before the others. This pull quote connotes that this is the article to read as it is a big part of the article and is very formal as it is a fancy serif font. The rest of the pull quotes are in all different fonts to make them different and attractive in their own way. This connotes that these pull quotes are not as important as they are around the outside and therefore are not as noticeable. Whereas the sub headings of all the articles underneath are in sans serif font to draw less attention and easier to read. It also shows contrast between the pull quote and the sub headings.
The colours of the text in this contents page is very basic and all of it is in black which connotes that the genre of this magazine is very dark and therefore the reader should pay attention to the images rather than the text and that the text should be read after but not as a first instinct. The colours of the images are very bright to connote that the images should be the first to be identified.
The image in the middle of Mumford and sons is very bright and has each band member in the image. This is a mid shot of each of the band members at a festival and so this connotes that the band members are fashionable and that the background is a festival and so this also connotes that the article may be about what festival they performed at. All the other images are also mid shots of various bands performed either alone or with a band. This connotes that each article is about a band or singer and therefore will be talking about their music.
Two page spread – NME
The layout for this two page spread shows that the route of the eye goes from a large image of the band on the top left and then goes across to text and then a small image in the far top right. This connotes that the image should be the first thing that the reader notices and will then go on to want to read the article. Then it goes across to more of the article and then the heading under the image on the left which connotes that the masthead of the article is one of the things that is going to be most noticed. Then across the bottom shows more images of the band from younger years and then the last o the article. This connotes that the images will always be a main part of what the reader sees and therefore the article is not the most important as the text is only small and less recognisable. The hot spots of the two page spread are parts of the image and then the other three parts are all sections of the article and this means that the hotspots are not those main parts that are to be seen in the two page spread. The areas that have nothing in which are those around the outside means that the reader is not likely to read those parts which is why these areas are blank. This article is quite cluttered in the way that it has lots of images and lots of text all on one two page spread which means the information is all crammed. However it is ordered in that way that the layout is not all over the place and all of the text is ordered and the images are straight and meat and in a particular order.
The masthead for this two page spread is serif which means that this article is going formal and that it is quite bold and so it draws the reader in with the title and so they will want to read on. Also, the stand first in the two page spread is serif also and so this also draws attention in so that if the reader does not see the heading, they are going to read below as that is also quite noticeable. However it is slightly smaller and formal which tells us that it is not the first thing that is going to be seen but it is a man part of the article. The text to explain the images is sans serif and easier to read which tells us that this text is there to read and not draw the reader in, therefore it is something that the reader will read when the reader has bought the magazine, it is also very small which connotes the same thing. The first letter of the article is the same size and style as the masthead and this tells us that it is there to help the reader understand where the article starts and to draw the reader in to the article near enough straight after seeing the masthead and the stand first. The font of the whole article is very small and it is also in a plain serif font which connotes that the article is simple and they tried to write a lot but that the article is not something that is going to draw there reader in.
The colours for this two page spread are pretty basic and black which tells us that whoever made this two page spread wanted the images to draw the reader in rather than the text. However, to make the masthead stand it, they added a yellow background behind the text to make a contrast between the black and yellow. Whereas the stand first and the article is against a white background to make it easily readable but not bold and noticeable to make it stand out and be read first. The large image on the left hand side is quite bright and therefore this tells us that this band is quite happy and silly and that this article is about them as people and their band rather than the music. They also have quite bright clothes on which tells us that they are fun and fashionable, yet quite original and so this also connotes that they are going to be talking about them as people and what kind of things they are into. The rest of the images are quite dark which tells us that it was not done by professionals and that the band brought them in so that they are not the ones to look at. Yet they are brighter than the text which tells us that they are still more noticeable that the text.
The image on the left hand side is quite bright and therefore stands out against the text. Each of the band members are wearing quite bright clothes and this tells us that they are fun and original and connotes that they are going to talk about themselves and their lives rather than all about music otherwise there would be instruments in the picture. They also have lots of tattoos which relates to the images below and so this connotes that they are quite aggressive and the fact that one is being lifted against their will by the others connotes that they are also fun again and that they get along yet they sometimes disagree. The only mise en scene I found in the picture was sunglasses attached to one of the band members pockets. This connotes that they are stylish as they are quite fashionable sunglasses and the fact that it is bright joins together with the sunglasses to connote they are used to hot places. The shot type of this image is a mid shot to show what they are wearing and also where about the photo is being taken. The four images on the bottom left hand side are in a large square and smaller than the large one above it. This tells us that it is not as noticeable, but still stands out. All four images relate to each other as they are all to do with tattoos and the fact that they are all of the band and the fact that the picture above has tattoos in tells us that there is a link between the two. Each of the four images are quite dark which tells us that they were not done by a professional and that they were brought in from members of the band. Due to the fact that they all involve tattoos again connotes that they are quite aggressive and that this can relate to their music. Another thing that these images connote is that we can get to know what the band members are like as they are in the images and so we can assume that the article again is going to have information about their lives and their interests. This can draw the reader in because they can look at the images and make assumptions on what is going to be in the article. Along the side of the two page spread is a list of five images. These are all images with famous people with tattoos. This can relate to the article in two ways. One is that it is about tattoos and so they are linking to the band who also have tattoos. As the title is ‘rocks most original tattoos’ we can relate this to the indie theme of the magazine and therefore make an assumption that this band is a rock band. We can also associate tattoos with rock music. All of these images are mid shots to show there upper body tattoos and therefore not draw attention to anything else but the tattoo.

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