Wednesday, 17 November 2010



In my magazine I made sure that my conventions related to my magazine. For example I made cover lines that are all related to news in the school. For example i used a cover line titled “The year 11s celebrate their results.” I also have images that relate to the school to give a better understanding. To do this I took a picture at the school year 11 prom to go with the prom cover line. I also took a picture of a student holding an envelope with their results, therefore this goes with the year 11s celebrating their results cover line. I also created a logo which relates to the masthead of Nightingale. I created this logo as it is easily recognisable. I also created a masthead with the name of the school on it. I chose Nightingale CC due to the fact that the person is an idol and is easy to remember. I also added news which I found was popular on other school magazines. In the news section I added headings such as year 7 open evening and the year 10 pictures from their trip to Spain. I used a very specific colour scheme which consisted of purple blue and black. I thought this was good because it did not draw too much attention to the background and so the audience could focus on the images and words rather that the background. The fonts I used were pretty basic for the cover lines which were sans serif. I used a sans serif masthead also as it was a large font and did not need any more attention.


For my preliminary task I used publisher as I feel that it was a good way to create a newsletter as it has different templates and colour schemes to go by so you can have choice. It also helped me as it showed me how to create a magazine due to the fact it is a newsletter and magazine template. I used a Fujifilm camera to take my two pictures on the results person and the school buildings. As for the picture from prom, I took this from my actual school site. I started to use wet paint to blog all of my work however this was not a successful enough site so then I moved on to blogger. To embed all of my work onto blogger I used the Scribd site.

What skills have I developed?

I feel that doing this task has made me able to work fast and efficiently. I also feel that I am able to use blogging sites and therefore am able to embed my work efficiently.

What skills do I need to develop?

I feel that I need to be able to edit images that I take to make them more to do with my type of magazine. Therefore I feel that using certain websites and editing techniques will help me.

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