The image on my front cover is of a boy that is in a boy band. The boy band is an indie band and so I made sure that the clothes of this model were dark so that it can fit into the genre. However I also added the shirt and tie due to the fact that the magazine is very formal and therefore it is easy to relate to if the audience sees this formality about the image. I chose a long shot of this model to show the clothes and therefore show that it relates to the genre. I chose the colour scheme of black and white for the image as it means that the audience can focus on the cover lines and the other more important sections of the cover rather than the image. This is because due to the route of they eye, the image will be seen in the middle anyway and so by making it black and white, the colours of the cover lines are seen more and therefore stand out. I feel that this image is very stereotypical as I have researched other types of magazine covers with this genre in mind and therefore I found that it is most common to have a male artist on the cover of the magazine. The male is also stereotypically in dark, formal clothes and therefore I feel that the image on my cover is very stereotypical as it involves all of these things.
The image in the right top hand corner is another image of the main article artist. I chose to use this image as it means that the audience can see a different side of the person in the image and therefore make them want to read on. I chose a wide shot of him playing a guitar to give a laid back side of him and therefore make the audience want to read about it to see a more personal, chilled out side of him. The image that I used that is lower on the bottom right hand side of the page is an image of a girl band I created. I chose this image because I wanted to add a wider range and variety to the magazine and show that there is a more feminine side to it rather than just the male indie bands. I chose the setting of this image to be a school. In particular, a wide hall with lots of chairs and tables. I felt that this added innocence to the magazine and therefore proved that the magazine is not all rock and indie but that it is also attracted to the younger audience of teens who can relate to the girl band being at school or in a school. I added a wide shot of the girls sitting back to front on the chairs. I felt that this added a more adolescent charm to it as the girls look like they are rebelling against the school as they are not sitting neat, they are not wearing a uniform and their overall facial features and posture is lazy and laid back which therefore tells us that they are a bit rebellious and therefore can allow the audience to want to read on to find out who they are and what they are all about. I chose a wide shot as it means that all of the girls can be spread out to show each individual personality, but I also made it so that the background where all of the chairs and tables are is being seen so the reader can get the whole school atmosphere.
The language of my magazine I find is very formal but with a more personal touch to. Whereas the questions I ask in the two page spread are asked in a more professional tone, he replied in a more personal way to make it seem like the interview is very comfortable and that he is not just answering the questions and moving on like a question and answer but more of a conversation. I feel that the use of language in this magazine is that it can relate to lots of different audiences. For example, the age of this magazine is for a younger audience as this genre would usually be and therefore is for more adolescents that early adults and therefore I feel that the use of language had to be very comfortable and less serious, but still wanting to attract an older audience by adding a formal tone. I chose to talk a lot about fashion as it shows in an example of the cover lines, I also felt that I wanted to talk a bit more about relationships and personal issues rather than just the music. This is so I could attract not just the male audience but the female audience as well without losing interest in either gender and therefore I chose not to just stick to one topic throughout the magazine but to add a variety. I made sure that the price of this magazine was not very high due to the age of the target audience and the lack of money they have. Therefore I made sure that the contents was not too strong for them to understand and therefore the social class of this magazine is relatively low due to the fact that I made sure that the stories and images related to those of adolescents who do not necessarily have jobs and therefore do not have a lot of money. Therefore I would say the social class of this magazine is middle class.
As you can see from the two images of the front cover that they are very similar. This is because they both involve a male icon in a very dominant position focused on the cover as the main image.

The image to the left I found that had once featured in an indie magazine much like the one I made. I feel that this image is similar to the one I took on the right. It gave across the point of innocence due to the uniform and setting of school but adds a lot of rock sense about it and rebellious signs due to the facial expressions, the posture and the clothing.

The quotes I used for my two page spread were, “I just went along with others.” I chose this as it gives off a sense of suspense and therefore if the audience see this and are not sure about his past, it will make them want to understand more about his past and therefore allows them to become curious about what he used to do.
The next quote was, “I would love to go solo.” I chose this as it means that the readers can understand a different side of the artist by getting to know what he wants in life. It also allows a slight scandal towards the readers and think that if they see this quote then the interviewee might read on to see if he says anything about the band members. Therefore it draws the readers in with a sense of curiosity and suspense.

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